
What’s the best fit for your product or project?

Would you like your printed product to shine, be fragrant or sparkle? Which kind of message would you like to convey? Finishing paper can be in many different forms, depending on the kind of value you would like to add to the text or graphics. Our team will be more than happy to guide you through this process.

High-end print

High-end print is so much more than simple printing. It’s like your products come alive beyond two dimensions.

High-end print can evoke one’s senses- a product will shine, sparkle, have a touch and feel. This element will help you build a bridge with your customers.

Pre- press

Let’s turn your vision into reality. With the use of systematic workflows, standardised proof systems, we will be able to help you set an image of your brand and company. Multicolour, embossing, trapping, UCR, GCR, finishing- we’ll find the best solutions for you.

Image creating, editing and Colour Management

At Saiswaram, we use state-of- the art technology, “ out of the box” creativity, to construct an image. We are also equipped with the latest hardware and software to create, edit, correct or retouch images.

Our ability to recreate colours, surfaces, in a way that is true to the original also help add value to your product. ( eg, suede finish box for a suede shoe, pearl effect on a jewellery box, wood floor print).


Innovation requires constant effort.

We are inspired by the world we live in and our clients’ expectation. We continually develop new ideas and conduct our own research and development with new printing technologies. Our experience and expertise allows us to create beyond expectation.


We employ our own 24/7 fleet to make sure that we can deliver your finished products in a timely manner.